Power Debugger
Power Debugger
The Microchip Power Debugger is a powerful development tool for debugging and programming ARM
based Microchip SAM and Microchip AVR
microcontrollers using JTAG, SWD, PDI, UPDI, debugWIRE, aWire, TPI,
or SPI target interfaces.
In addition, the Microchip Power Debugger has two independent current sensing channels for measuring and
optimizing the power consumption of a design.
Microchip Power Debugger also includes a CDC virtual COM port interface as well as Microchip Data Gateway
Interface channels for streaming application data to the host computer from a SPI, USART, TWI, or GPIO source.
The Power Debugger is a CMSIS-DAP compatible debugger which works with MPLAB
X IDE, Atmel Studio 7.0, or
other front-end software capable of connecting to a generic CMSIS-DAP unit. The Power Debugger streams power
measurements and application debug data to Data Visualizer for real-time analysis.
A quick-start guide is included in the Power Debugger kit for convenience.
2020 Microchip Technology Inc.
User Guide
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