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To create custom applications for the Hello FPGA kit, a free Libero SoC Design Suite silver license
is required. For more information, see
Documentation Resources
For more information about the Hello FPGA Kit, including schematics and demo guide, see the
documentation at the
section of the Hello FPGA web page.
Technical support is available Online at
Serial Terminal
Each demo that comes with the GUI
is identified by the design version set
in the dat file. Version numbers 4,6,
and 7 are reserved. User should not
use these design version numbers
during dat file generation of their
custom designs. GUI reads the
current design version on the Kit and
loads the appropriate FPGA Demo on
a successful connection. For custom
designs, a generic ‘Serial Terminal’ is
loaded instead of FPGA Demo. This
tab enables the user to communicate
to the FPGA over Serial protocol.