Getting Started
This section covers getting started with Curiosity MCUs or Xplained Pro Quick Start.
Follow these steps to exploring the Microchip Curiosity Pro platform:
Download and launch MPLAB
Launch the plug-in manager and install MPLAB Harmony Code Configurator.
Connect the maXTouch Curiosity Pro to any Microchip Curiosity platform or Xplained Pro MCU board, and
connect a USB cable to the DEBUG USB port on the MCU board.
When the Curiosity MCU board or Xplained Pro MCU kit is connected to your computer for the first time, the
operating system will perform a driver software installation. The driver file supports 32-bit and 64-bit versions of
XP, Windows Vista
, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
After the Curiosity MCU board or Xplained Pro MCU board is powered, the green power LED will be lit and MPLAB X
IDE will auto detect which Curiosity MCU board or Xplained Pro MCU and extension boards are connected. MPLAB
X IDE will present relevant information, such as data sheets and kit documentation.
The target device is programmed and debugged by the on-board debugger, therefore no external programmer or
debugger tool is needed.
Connecting maXTouch Curiosity Pro to the Curiosity Board or Xplained Pro
Microchip maXTouch Curiosity Pro is designed to connect to the Curiosity board or Xplained Pro header marked
EXTx (x = 1 - 3). Refer to the pin out of the Curiosity MCU board or Xplained Pro evaluation kit to find out which
Xplained Pro EXT headers can be used. The FFC connector can be used if the parallel interface from the MCU to the
display is used on the kits featuring the graphical user interface. Any time only one cable must be connected.
Getting Started
2020 Microchip Technology Inc.
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