VP-ITC MicroCalorimeter User’s Manual
2.5 Thermostat/Calibration Window
The Thermostat/Calibration Window allows access to the thermostat control and DP calibration
pulse function.
Thermostat Control
Thermostat Control allows for setting of the thermostat temperature, which will be maintained
during the VP-ITC Thermostatting state. Pre-thermostatting the VP-ITC and samples will result
in shorter equilibration times. Additionally, high temperature thermostatting during cell cleaning
can often times improve the effects of the cleaning.
Pulse Control
Allows for manually administering a DP calibration pulse. While this is not the most thorough
method of checking the y-axis calibration, it is the quickest and most convenient method. Pulses
may be applied any time the DP signal is equilibrated and the resulting deflection used as a crude
calibration assessment. Using a pulse which is relatively large ( > +/- 5 mCal/min.) will expose
DP calibration errors that are greater than 1%. Any users who feel that the y-axis calibration
requires adjustment should contact MicroCal prior to attempting any changes to the VP-ITC
calibration constants.