Page 10 of 31. Version 1.03 September 2012
Microbee Premium Plus+ | Construction Manual
1. With the PCB adapter board spread across
the up-turned keyboard frame, insert 3 PCB
pins (short end through the holes)
2. Place a ‘broken-out’ adapter on top so that
it is then sitting on the collars of the PCB
pins (using 3 pins keeps the adapter PCB
3. Solder the 2 required pins, leaving the 3
un-soldered, and then remove the adapter &
trim the pins as described earlier.
Obviously, as you do more and more of the
adapters, the PCB frame will have less and
less adapters in it and the last few will
probably have to be done with no support
from the frame.
One other tip is that if you line the adapter
that you are working on up over a key switch
hole in the keyboard frame below it, you can
press down on the centre of the adapter so
that it ensures that all of the PCB pins are
pressed ‘up’ against the bottom of the
adapter as you solder it. This also aids in
making sure the pins are straight & parallel.
There is a bit of a ‘knack’ to doing this, but
after doing a few, you should see it get
Remember that only 64 key switches are
needed, so the last 4 adapters in the frame
do not need to be assembled.