MICROMATIC.COM | 866-327-4159
1. Unplug unit from receptacle.
2. Support pump and loosen clamp holding pump to motor. As clamp is loosed pump will eventually
disconnect from motor. Make sure pump does not damage glycol supply line as it becomes free from motor.
3. With pump free from motor remove drive key and replace.
4. While supporting motor remove four (4) nuts and hardware from mounting studs.
5. Mount new motor by aligning mounting bracket with mounting studs and reattaching mounting nuts and
Note: new motor is supplied with mounting bracket.
6. Reattach pump to motor with clamp making sure new drive key aligns with motor shaft.
7. Locate defective motor and remove electrical connection cover plate (follow cord to where it enters back
of motor) exposing cord connections. Remove ground connection by unscrewing green screw and
removing ground wire. Unplug remaining 2 wires by pulling firmly on connections. Reattach cord to new
motor by affixing ground wire to green ground screw and plugging 2 wires to motor connections. Place
cord in electrical wire channel in motor housing and reattach electrical connection cover plate.
8. Plug cord into receptacle.
1. Unplug unit from receptacle.
2. Remove the screws holding the thermostat housing to the unit. Slide the white plastic brackets
backwards off of the thermostat. Remove thermostat from housing.
3. Making note of which wire is connected to which number on the thermostat, remove wires using small
slotted screwdriver. Reattach wires to correct numbers on new thermostat and reassemble into housing.
NOTE: All XR02 thermostats are supplied with a four wire connector. If the unit has an old XR20
thermostat, connect the 120v supply wires that were on terminals 7 and 8 to the harness wires coming
from terminals 6 and 7 on the new XR02. The wires that were connected to terminals 4 and 5 on the old
thermostat should connect to the harness wires coming from terminals 8 and 9.
4. Reattach thermostat housing to unit and plug unit into receptacle.
5. For thermostat setting instructions see page 7.