3. Then exhale with maximal effort until no more air can be
expelled (when a plateau has been reached or forced expiratory
time (FET) reaches 15 seconds).
4. It is vital the operator encourages the subject to keep exhaling to
ensure all air is expelled. The operator should repeat
instructions as necessary, with enthusiasm.
5. Breathe in with maximal effort until completely full. The
maneuver is now complete, remove the mouthpiece from the
6. Listen for two beeps. The device is ready for the next blow.
7. Repeat for a minimum of three maneuvers, up to a maximum of
8. The results may be viewed as either a Volume/time (V/t)
Flow/Volume (F/V)
by pressing the icons on the side
menu. These are not enabled during the test.
9. The graph may be changed to a full screen graph by using the
zoom button
on the side menu. Zoom in
to return to
normal mode. These are not enabled during test.
10. The results summary at the top of the screen shows the FVC
and FEV1 of the last blow.
11. The number of tests (for VC) or the number of usable tests or
bad blow
‘!’ indicator (for FVC) is shown next to the last test
12. The best three tests are shown on the graph in order of rank
(best 1, 2, 3 etc.). A legend on the top of the graph explains the
order of the tests.
13. Select results
from the side menu to view results.
Use the left/right arrows to select which test results to view.
Scroll through the results for each test using the up/down
arrows. The number of parameters displayed will depend on
the configured parameters.
The tests are shown in order of rank (best is ranked number
1, then 2, 3 etc.).
The results screen has several columns, arranged in a
similar manner to the printout. The first column displays the
parameter name, the second displays the units, the third the
test value and the fourth column shows the %Pred or Z-
value, depending on the configuration.