Micon M1500-600/150kW 50Hz
Rev. 95-06-23 OKK
How to use this manual
Note relevant information here:
Address of windmill
Alsvej 21
DK-8900 Randers
Tel. + 45 89 19 02 00
Fax. + 45 89 19 02 02
These user instructions are for the use of mill
owners who carry out the inspection of their mill(s)
Described within are the procedures necessary
to operate the mill on a day-to-day basis.
As will be seen within these instructions, there will
be occasions when it is necessary to contact
Micon's Service Department
, which is always
ready to provide help and assistance.
Such instances are marked thus:
Operating or repairing the windmill under
circumstances other than those covered in
this manual may only occur with the prior
knowledge and permission of Micon A/S.
Failure to comply can lead to
invalidation of the guarantee on
damaged components.
The guarantee covering individual components
is described in full in the Purchase Agreement.
In addition to the inspection procedures that can
be carried out by the windmill owner, a full ser-
vice -inspection must be made within the
guarantee period in accordance with approved
See chapter 4, Maintenance.
It is advisable to carefully read these instructions,
as there may be some points you wish clarified.
In which case you are welcome to contact
Micon A/S.