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If choose switch input status as alarming output, there is no need to set alarming threshold value. It
can be through programming relay output as “switch”. When choose alarm item is di-1
e.g. d3-1
means the circuit is in the conduction status to generate the relay alarm output; When choose alarm
item is di-0 (e.g..d3-0) means the circuit is disconnected to generated alarm output.
If choose relay output is remote control mode, it can be programmed relay output as “ remote control”
then through communication to control the output of relay.
5.2 Energy Pulse Output Plug-In Introduction
Energy Pulse Output Plug-In Module provides 1-channel of reactive energy pulse output and
1-channel of reactive energy pulse output. It is used mode of pulse output for measurement of energy
Electrical Characteristic: Electric circuit diagram of Pulse sampling interface VCC<=30V
Pulse Constant:
4000 imp/kWh (kvarh) (Except measurement range of AC100V 1A);
20000 imp/kWh
AC100V 1A measurement range
, the maximum speed of pulse is not eceeded
200ms. It means when the meter accumulated 1kWh(1kvarh), its output number of pulse is 4000
Supply (+)
Receive Interface
Supply (-
other Device
5.3 Analogue Output Plug-In Introduction