Made in China
5. A�en�on
1. Please check whether the input voltage of the constant voltage power supply is in accordance
with the controller, and please check the connec�on of both the cathode and anode, otherwise
the controller will be broken.
2. Please don't connect wires with power on. Please switch on again only when it is in right
connec�on and no short circuit.
3. Please keep your finger off the touch ring when installing the ba�eries, to improve its sensi�vity,
and use the remote (3 seconds later) a�er the ba�eries are installed. Please reinstall the
ba�eries, if the touch ring is found low-sensi�vity.
Please do not use the controller in the place with widely range metal area or strong
electromagne�c wave nearby, otherwise, the remote distance will be seriously affected.