SSTB11 Woodburning Fireplace
Improper installation or operation of a gas
appliance in this fireplace can allow unburned gas to leak
out which will cause a fire or explosion hazard, or the re-
lease of poisonous carbon monoxide into the dwelling
which can cause serious injury or death to its inhabitants.
To reduce these risks to a minimum, the following impor-
tant notices and instructions should be read and followed
MHSC fireplaces are designed to accept a 1/2 inch gas
line for installation of an approved gas appliance. (MHSC
manufactures a wide variety of gas logs for use in MHSC
Be sure to have the appliance installed in accordance with
building codes.
Gas pipe installation is intended for connection to a deco-
rative gas appliance only when (1.) incorporating an auto-
matic shutoff device and (2.) complying with the Standard
for Decorative Gas Appliances for Installation in Vented
Fireplaces (ANSI Z21.60)
Gas-Fired Log Lighters for
Woodburning Fireplaces.
1. The provision for a gas line is intended for connection
to a decorative gas appliance which and complies with
the Standard for Decorative Gas Appliances for Instal-
lation in Vented Fireplaces, ANSIZ21.60. If a deco-
rative gas appliance is installed, it must be installed
in accordance with the National Fuel Gas Code, AN-
When a decorative gas appliance is in-
stalled, the fireplace damper must be fixed in a man-
ner which will maintain the minimum permanent vent
opening at all times.
The installation of an unvented gas appliance (blue
flame) may be installed which incorporates an auto-
matic shutoff device, and complies with the National
Fuel Gas Code Z223.1, Latest Edition.
If an unvented gas appliance (blue flame) is installed
it must incorporate an automatic shutoff device, and
must be installed in accordance with with the National
Fuel Gas Code Z223.1, Latest edition.
BTU input of a gas appliance installed in fireplace
should be rated less than 100,000 Btu/hr.
If an unvented gas appliance is installed in
the fireplace, the gas appliance must only be operated
with the fireplace glass door fully open (if included).
The installer of the fireplace and gas appliance must
describe the operation of the fireplace and appliance
to the people who will be operating them and leave all
instruction manuals with the operator of the fireplace.
When installing an ANSI Z21.11.2 ventless ap-
pliance, the finishing material used for the mantel must
be rated at 250°F or greater.
Do not operate an unvented gas log set in
this fireplace with the chimney removed.
2. An approved gas shut off valve must be located out-
side the fireplace in an area accessible to the users of
the fireplace.
3. All gas piping and fitting must be either steel or mal-
leable iron. Unions must be of the ground joint type.
4. Some code authorities prohibit or place restrictions on
the use of gas appliances in fireplaces. Check with lo-
cal code authorities before proceeding with the instal-
5. The gas appliance and all connecting gas piping should
only be installed by a licensed gas appliance installer.
6. The installer should advise the persons who will use
the fireplace to set the fireplace damper in full open
position when the appliance is in use.
The following instructions only apply to passing the gas
line through the fireplace wall. Follow the instructions pro-
vided by the appliance for the gas line, testing and adjust-
ing it.
1. Locate the recessed area in the side refractory panel
as shown by
Figure 29
2. Tap out a round hole in the brick liner with a hammer
by tapping lightly on the recessed area.
3. Remove the two screws that hold the cover plates on
the jacket wrap and discard the cover plate.
4. Use a screwdriver or similar tool to push the loose in-
sulation out of the tube between the firebox and the
outer jacket of the fireplace.
5. Install the 1/2” gas pipe through the tube between the
firebox and jacket.
NOTE: Gas pipe should not come in contact with
any wood structures until it has reached a point at
least one (1) inch away from fireplace side.
6. Attach the gas appliance to the gas pipe according to
the appliance makers instructions.
7. Pack the insulation removed in step 4 around the pipe
to prevent air flowing through the tube either into or out
of the firebox.
8. Be sure the gas is turned off at the appliance, then turn
the gas on at the cut off valve and test the gas line con-
nections for leaks with soapy water solution or a liquid
leak detector. DO NOT USE A MATCH OR OTHER
gas leak is detected, turn the gas off immediately and
fix the leak.
9. Proceed with testing the appliance for leaks and ad-
justing it as required by the manufacturer instructions.