The MFJ-9200 is a bold new addition to MFJ's legendary QRP transceiver line,
delivering unmatched 6-band CW performance in a compact pocket-sized package.
QRP radios have always been small in size, but thanks to direct-digital synthesis and
microprocessor technology, the MFJ-9200 represents a quantum leap over traditional
designs with an unprecedented number of features at an affordable price.
The MFJ-9200 covers 80 through 15 Meters with computer-modeled plug-in filter
modules that yield no-compromise receiver performance and QRP+ transmit power on
every band. There's also built-in iambic keying with a manual-key sensor, a
programmable CQ message, and seamless QSK T/R switching. DDS frequency control
delivers rock-solid VFO stability, precise 100-Hz readout, and eight memory channels
per band. Plus, you get a choice of three main-dial tuning rates and RIT with 10-Hz
tuning resolution. Other features include selectable IF-bandwidth for monitoring SSB or
CW, a 20-dB front-end attenuator for overload protection, and a switched backlight for
the LCD display. There’s also plenty of receiver overlap for monitoring time signals and
international short wave broadcasting. The MFJ-9200 runs on any power source
between 8 and 15 VDC and draws 40 mA on receive with the display backlight turned
off -- perfect for prolonged off-the-grid adventures. Best of all, the MFJ-9200 is the
smallest and lightest backpack transceiver currently available.
In order to take full advantage of the MFJ-9200’s many operating features, please read
this manual carefully before attempting to set up and operate your QRP station. The
MFJ-9200’s microprocessor controls are surprisingly simple and intuitive to operate with
only a minimum of familiarization. Nevertheless, as with any electronic device, failing to
follow the prescribed set-up and operating instructions could result in permanent
damage. Once you become familiar with basic setup and operating procedures, feel
free to use the
Quick Menu
in the back of the manual as a refresher.
Important Warning:
Before attempting to operate your MFJ-9200 on air, please read
through the entire manual. Failing to adhere to prescribed setup and operating
recommendations could result in permanent damage to your radio!