Assemble the rope ring support as shown. Two of the square pieces are used for
greater strength. The assembly will fit snug into the support tube. Measure distance
A before inserting it into the tube. Drive a self tapping #6 screw into the tube just above
the bottom washer. The nylon locknuts will resist movement and do not need to be
tight against the washers.
Mounting plate
Clamp the support tube onto the mounting plate using the gold colored
u-bolt assembly. Cut the supplied rope into 4 equal sections. Route
the rope through the holes in the rope ring leaving 3 inches overlap
and attach 3 cable ties to secure it.
Route the wire around and under the flatwasher at least two
times. Install 3 cable ties and make sure one tie is close
enough to the washer so that there is not enough slack to
allow the rope to slip over the washer.
Not to scale