Very strong signals are impossible to tune in well.
Reduce the setting of the internal RF Gain control.
CW signals wobble slightly if the receiver is bumped.
This is a normal characteristic for a simple oscillator. If the wobbling or instability is
extreme, toroid control L5 is installed too loosely and should be tightened up.
We have designed this book and the receiver itself to assure that you can build it
successfully and enjoy using it as soon as construction is completed. If, after building
your receiver, double-checking all assembly steps and going over the preceding trouble-
shooting suggestions, you and are still having a problem, please contact
MFJ Techincal
at 601-323-0549 or the
MFJ Factory
at 601-323-5869. Before calling, be
prepared to explain your exact difficulty as clearly as possible. You will be best helped if
you have your unit, manual and all information on your station handy so you can answer
any questions the technicians may ask.
You can also send questions by mail to MFJ Enterprises, Inc., 300 Industrial Park Road,
Starkville, MS 39759; by Facsimile (FAX) to 601-323-6551; or by email to
[email protected]. Send a complete description of your problem, an
explanation of exactly how you are using your unit, and a complete description of your
If needed, your receiver can be repaired by MFJ provided that it has been completely
assembled, using rosin-core solder only. A starndard service fee plus S & H will be
charged for repair. Please call for current pricing. Defective units should be shipped to:
MFJ Enterprises, Inc.
300 Industrial Park Road
Starkville, MS 39759
MFJ will verify repairs on any unit requiring more than the minimum service fee covers
with the owner of the unit by phone.
Your Notes