You'll build your receiver in six phases in this order:
1. Small parts associated with bandswitch and tuning
2. Transistor RF amplifier and detector section
3. IC audio amplifier
4. Controls, switches, jacks
5. Testing and initial adjustment
6. Final Assembly into cabinet
To make construction go as smoothly as possible, please follow our published order
for installing all parts.
DOUBLE CHECKING: The directions use two sets of check boxes. Check off the
first box after you have completed that step. Use the other boxes for double-checking
your work before operating you receiver.
Construction Phase 1
(Steps 1-1 through 1-10)
Our goal here is simply to get started--and to be sure that there won't be any mix-up
between the small molded inductors (L1,L2,L3,L4) and the resistors which they resemble.
Correct selection and installation of the inductors is essential to correct tuning of your
receiver. If you mix them up, what you hear will not correspond to the tuning dial. If you
put a resistor in the place of an inductor, you won't receive at all!
Remember that our word INSTALL means:
1. Insert the correct part into the correct position.
2. Make sure it is pressed as far into its holes as it reasonably can go.
3. Solder all points.
4. Trim away excess wire lengths, if any.
Identify the four molded inductors. They are visibly larger than resistors. The
color stripes are on a BLUE body. The 4th band is silver or gold. When we
describe each one, we identify the first 3 stripes.
Install L1, 10µH (brown-black-black).
Install L2, 3.3µH (orange-orange-gold). Be sure
to insert it in the position
for R4 between L1 and L2. (Also, be very sure not to mistake it for L4 which
has yellow-violet-silver bands.)
Install L3, 1.0µH (brown-black-gold).
Install L4, .47µH (yellow-violet-silver).