WP319 Centrifugal 12V pump
GM LSx Bolt on series High Flow Pump
In The Box:
Electric Pump WP319
Water pump gaskets (factory style)
Wiring harness w/ 20 amp fuse
Heater hose fittings
Wire clip (very important for Corvette)
Contingency decals
The inlet fitting will be modified and
re-used from your original pump.
Meziere Enterprises 220 S. Hale Ave. Escondido, CA 92029 760-746-3273
The Meziere water pump seals to the block using the two GM gaskets supplied. Bolt pump in place using the 6 OEM bolts.
Run all six bolts up snug before tightening to 22 Ft.-Lbs.
Care should be taken to not trap the air conditioning wiring
harness behind the pump. The new 180 degree thermostat is pre-installed at our factory. Should you want to remove the
thermostat, remove the top radiator hose and un-screw the outlet fitting. The thermostat will fall out, please re-lubricate the
“o” ring prior to re-installing the outlet fitting. Install the belt tensioner. Before you install the inlet (lower hose) you must
remove (remove or cut out) the old, OEM thermostat from the inlet housing. Using channel lock pliers; push down and turn
to remove the old thermostat. Using the supplied 6MM bolts, install the water inlet. Install the heater hose fittings supplied
with the pump. Make sure to line up the proper sizes. A small amount of lubricant should be applied to the O-rings. Install
the upper radiator hose. If the car is not equipped with a power steering cooler flip the hose to gain extra clearance in front
of the idler pulley. Cars with power steering coolers: Extra care must be taken to make sure the upper hose is held away
from the idler pulley.
Install the throttle body carefully checking to make sure the throttle linkage clears the top of
the pump body.
Some year 2000 and up models may require minor modification to the bottom of the linkage. A light file
can perform this in minutes. Once you have checked your throttle by hand, install the cable linkage(s). Install the upper
radiator support and the air box. Reinstall the serpentine belt.
Remember to check the upper radiator hose and throttle body linkage before starting the car. Engine Damage
could occur if the placement of these parts is not correct. Use the tie wraps to hold the hose away from the idler
pulley if necessary. Check to make sure the throttle blades open and close freely and completely.
To Do the Job You Will Need:
• Basic hand tools
• Tie wraps
• Scraper or wire brush
• Band clamp removal tool
• Brake cleaner
• Electrical wiring kit (crimps and terminals)
• Light oil lubricant for o-rings
Fine file for possible linkage modification
Removing the stock pump:
Drain the coolant. Remove the air box and upper radiator support. Remove the upper radiator hoses and heater hoses.
Remove the throttle body. Remove the serpentine belt, and the belt tensioner. Remove the thermostat inlet. Remove the
six pump to block bolts. Clean all mating surfaces.