Kilometric performance
Kilometric performance depends to a
large extent on the following factors:
– battery condition,
– weight of the driver,
– driving speed,
– driving style,
– road surface condition,
– driving conditions,
– ambient temperature.
The nominal values given by us are re-
alistic under the following conditions:
– Ambient temperature of 27 °C.
– 100 % rated drive battery capacity
as per the DIN standard.
– new condition of the drive batter-
ies with more than 5 charging cy-
– Nominal load of 75 kg.
– Without repeated acceleration.
– Level, firm driving surface.
The kilometric performance is greatly
reduced by:
– frequent uphill driving,
– poor drive battery charge condi-
– low ambient temperature
(e.g. in winter),
– frequent starting and stopping
(e.g. in town traffic),
– aged, sulphated drive batteries,
– frequently necessary steering ma-
– reduced driving speed (especially
at walking speed).
In practical use, the kilometric perfor-
mance under 'normal conditions' is
then reduced to approx. 80 % – 40 %
of the nominal value.
Hill climbing ability
Gradients in excess of the permitted
values (e.g. ramps) should for safe-
ty reasons only be driven when the
wheelchair is empty!