The plastic panelling is attacked through
non-ionic tensides as well as solvents and
especially alcohol.
The cushions and covers are normally fit
with care instructions (instruction for care).
In all other cases the following information
is true:
Clean the upholstery with warm water
and hand washing liquid.
Remove spots with a sponge or a soft
Wash off persistent dirt with commer-
cial fine detergent.
Do not soak! Do not machine wash!
Follow-up with clean water and allow to dry.
The chassis, reflectors and wheels can be
cleaned damp with a mild detergent. After-
wards dry off well.
Check the chassis for corrosion damag-
es as well as other damages.
Only clean the plastic parts with warm
water and neutral detergent or soft
Further information to cleaning can be
found in the <
> on our website:
The high quality finish ensures an optimum
of protection against corrosion.
For paint and chrome care the commer-
cially available brand name paint and
chrome cleansers are recommendable.
Should the coating be damaged with
scratches or similar, these areas can be
touched up with our paint pen availa-
ble at the specialist dealer.
Slight lubrication of moving parts will en-
sure for their long functioning.
If the product is used by more than one per-
son (for example in a care centre), the use of
a commercial disinfectant is mandatory.
Before disinfection the upholstery and
handles are to be cleaned.
A spray- or wiping disinfection is per-
mitted with tested and accredited dis-
A list of the disinfectants and disinfection
means tested and approved by the Robert
Koch Institute can be found under:
During the use of disinfectants it can
happen that surfaces might be affect-
ed in such a fashion that the long term
functionality of parts can be limited.
In doing so the manufacturers instruc-
tions are to be observed.