All products are checked for faults in the
factory and packed in special boxes.
However, we request that you check
the vehicle for possible transport dam-
age immediately on receipt – prefera-
bly in the presence of the carrier.
The packaging of the wheelchair
should be stored for a further transport
that might become necessary.
The wheelchair was developed for children
and adolescents. Two frames are available:
– midi,
– maxi.
The wheelchair solely serves to transport
one person in the seat and not as a hauling
aid, transporter or similar.
This operating manual applies to the follow-
ing models:
Model 1.135
If the following indications occur we rec-
ommend the application of this mobility
Walking disability resp. extremely lim-
ited walking ability as part of the ba-
sic need to move around in your own
The need to be able to leave home for
a short walk in fresh air or in order to
reach the places, commonly in the pe-
rimeter of the home, required to fulfil
basic needs.
The ability to use the adaptive wheel-
chair with own personal strength must
be given. Provision with an adaptive
wheelchairs can be an option, when the
adaptation and adjustment possibilities
of standard or lightweight wheelchairs
are not sufficient.