3. Programmed Auto Flash Mode
(Full Auto Mode)
In Programmed Auto Flash Mode the camera con-
trols the aperture and shutter speed, as well as the
mecablitz, automatically so that optimal results
are always assured in most photographic situati-
ons, including fill-in flash.
Settings on the camera
Set the camera for Green Full Auto Mode, pro-
gram „P“ or Programmed Image Control Mode
(landscape, portraiture, sport, etc.). Select the
„AF“ auto-focus mode on the lens. Please refer to
the camera’s operating instructions for the setting
Use a tripod for the „Night Shots Program“
to avoid the danger of camera shake in
connection with slow shutter speeds!
Settings on the flash unit
Set the „TTL“ mode on the mecablitz (see 4.1).
Some cameras automatically switch the
mecablitz to the TTL mode when the green
full auto mode or programmed image con-
trol mode is set!
Having completed the above settings, problem-
free flash photography can commence as soon as
the mecablitz indicates flash readiness (see 5.1).
Programmed Auto Flash Mode
Automatismo di programma flash
Automatismo programado para flash
701 47 0109-A1 44 AF-3 GB-I-E 28.05.2008 10:05 Uhr Seite 18