Technik und Service
Seite: 9
Technology and Service
Page: 9
mecablitz 40 MZ-1 (i)/40 MZ-3 (i)
4.1. Service Test Set MB3000:
The Service Test Set MB3000 was designed specifically for the testing and service adjustment of flashguns with
a digital data bus and for the testing of the SCA 3000 adapters. This test set is mandatory for servicing of the
mecablitz 40 MZ-1 (i) and 40 MZ-3 (i). For further details please refer to the separate Operating Instructions
for the Service Test Set.
4.2. Disassembly and Assembly:
The basic unit and the reflector can be disassembled separately. In both cases, however, check before
disassembly that the batteries have been removed from the unit and that the SCA adapter (if fitted) and the
cover for the SCA socket have been removed. The exploded view on Page 27 and 29 can be used as an aid
for disassembly.
Extension cables are available to permit the unit to be operated in the disassembled state. These cables can be
obtained as a service set under the Order No. 793 99 0177.
Disassembly of the basic unit:
First remove the three screws from the lower part of the secondary reflector case. Then lift off the lower part
of the secondary reflector case.
Loosen the foot PCB together with the secondary reflector and pull off the upper part of the secondary
reflector case towards the main reflector. The cables can be threaded out through the slot in the upper part
of the secondary reflector case.
Remove the two screws on the lower part of the case.
Unclip the rear cover of the case from the lower part of the case. Before removing the rear cover of the
case, we recommend securing the pushbuttons and switches with adhesive tape to prevent them from
falling out. Remove the rear cover of the case.
Remove the lower part of the case, guiding the foot PCB and the secondary reflector thorough the opening
in the lower part of the case.
Discharge the flash capacitors with a 100 Ohm/10 Watt resistor!
Remove the isolating foil and unsolder one end of the fuse resistor R501. Unsolder the battery
compartment connections located below this resistor.
The main PCB can now be lifted carefully from the case, together with the control panel PCB.
The flash capacitors are secured in the case with double-sided adhesive tape and can be pulled out
carefully. Remove the insulating foil located above the HS printed circuit board. Release the lock of this PCB
and remove it from the case.
Assembly of the basic unit:
The basic unit is assembled in the reverse order, taking care that all PCBs are correctly seated and that the
insulating foils and cables are correctly positioned. When the main PCB is installed, the main transformer must
make contact with the connection pin on the HS printed circuit board (take care not to damage this pin!).