Technical specifications
Operating specifications
Laser wavelength
785 nm ± 0.5 nm
Laser output power
≤ 100 mW
Wavenumber range
400 - 2,300 cm
Spectral resolution
12 - 14 cm
(FWHM) across the whole range
Collection optics
NA = 0.50, 1 mm and 7.6 mm working distance; 0.2 -
2.5 mm measuring spot size
Beam divergence
3.4 degrees
Detection technique
Orbital Raster Scan (ORS) to average over the sample
Laser class according to EN 60825-1
Mira M-3 Basic
Class 1
Mira M-3 Advanced
Class 3B
Protection Level of goggles (accord-
ing to EN 207)
D LB5 775 - 795 nm
NOHD - Nominal Ocular Hazard Dis-
LWD attachment lens: 34 cm ± 5 cm
SWD attachment lens: 32 cm ± 5 cm