Referencing the system calibration certificate for the 353B04/482A21, enter the sensitivity of the system at
100 Hz into cell D12 on the PVC Field Verification Workbook.
Referencing the system calibration certificate for the 353B04/482A21, enter the deviation percentages into
cells B17 to B35 next to the corresponding frequency in the “Validation Sensor Deviation %” column on the
PVC Field Verification Workbook.
The PVC Field Verification Workbook will calculate and display the sensitivity of the validation
sensor (353B04/482A21 system) at each frequency based upon the sensitivity at 100 Hz and %
deviations at each frequency.
Performing the Validation
Turn on the portable vibration calibrator and press and hold the
amplitude button to change the sensor input type to voltage.
NOTE: Metrix recommends portable calibrators be tested
while operating on battery power. Disconnect the charging
cable when testing.
Begin the test by setting the frequency to 10,000 Hz and the amplitude to
1.0 g pk. Record the volt meter reading in cell D17 and record the
displayed amplitude on the PVC in cell F17. If testing HI-913 record
the displayed sensitivity in cell E17.
Note: the amplitude value is per the
discretion of the user. One may use
a value other than 1 g pk if desired
as long as the correct value is input
to the workbook. Metrix
recommends 1.0 g pk for
frequencies greater than 10 Hz.
Note: allow for settling time at each
test point, 3-5 seconds is sufficient
for most frequencies. Note that at
low frequencies the settling time
may be increased.
Entry of Known
alibrated Values