Preliminary settings
IV - 24
Virtual digital oscilloscopes, 60 MHz
Setting the trigger (continued)
To limit false triggers or to adapt to a signal that is used as a trigger
source 4 filters are available:
cuts the continuous component of the signal (
see remark below
lets the signal pass without filtering (the continuous and alternative
components are kept).
LF Reject
activates a high-pass filter (cut-off frequency 10 kHz).
HF Reject
activates a low-pass filter (cut-off frequency 10 kHz).
The coupling of the channel, selected in the vertical block of the
control panel is input to the acquisition string.
Consequently, if the AC input coupling is selected, the DC component
of the signal is removed on the CHx channel and on the trigger source
CHx (the AC or DC filtering of the trigger gives the same result).
3 trigger sources are available: CH1, CH2 and LINE.
LINE is used to trigger on the power supply voltage to which the instrument
is connected. In this case only the trigger wave (ascending or descending)
can be programmed.
The trigger representation on the trace is a vertical blue line,
the notion of level (vertical position) is no longer available.
Adjustment of the trigger level by ± 8 div. to make sure it cuts this level with a
key is used to reset the trigger level to 50 % of the peak to
peak value of the source signal. This is not a general autoset that is capable
of finding the trigger, it only applies to the displayed signal.
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