c Copyright 2012 Metcalfe Models and Toys Ltd. Bell Busk, Skipton, N. Yorkshire BD23 4DU.
Fig. 8.
Carefully fold the walls
around the small base
card and fix as shown.
Keep the base flat on
your work surface with all
bottom edges of walls flush.
Hold firmly like this
till the glue sets hard.
Fix the building to the
end of building ‘B’.
When the building is fast,
carefully fit the two door
sections that you made earlier.
Glue the two grey inner gable spacers marked
together then attach the back of the inner
gable wall, keep all edges flush. Fix to gable wall
in same way as with other gables.
Fit two grey roof supports
together then fit into
building ‘C’ with
long canopy support
sticking out as shown
so that the three
supports on each side
of the building all line up
with each other.
Long canopy
Three canopy
support beams
should all line up.
Fig. 9.
The most important bit if you’ve had a few
before waiting for a train !
Fold the side walls
around and fit to
the base as with
the other buildings.
Fit the door when fast.
Fit toilet building
to the gable wall
of building ‘C’
Then fit the
small inner roof.
This edge flush
to corner of building
Cut away
section at
opposite side.
Fig. 10.
Fig. 11.
Fit the two grey lower roof units first.
They both fit up against the walls sitting on the
8 support beams.
Tiny spots of glue placed
on tops of beams
is all that you
Ends of beams should
be flush to edge of
grey roof.
Start with building ‘A’ roof.
The roofs sit down in between
the wall tops resting in the
grey inner roof supports.
Hold down till fast.
Follow on with the larger roof for building ‘B’
then ‘C’
On the underside
of the angled roof,
place tiny spots of
glue along the edge
to fix it on top of
roof ‘A’.