7351J Very Intelligent Early Warning (VIEW) Laser Smoke Detector Technical Bulletin
The 7351J is a plug-in type smoke sensor that has a laser-based
photoelectronic sensing chamber. Using FlashScan® communication
protocol on the Signaling Line Circuit (SLC), the sensor uses
analog-addressable communications to transmit smoke density and other
information to the central panel.
The use of a laser diode provides substantial improvements in
signal-to-noise ratio compared to a traditional Light-Emitting Diode
(LED) light source. The sensor transmits an analog representation of
smoke density over a multiplexed SLC to the Intelligent Fire Controller
(IFC) control panel. Rotary switches are provided for setting the IFC
panel’s SLC sensor address (1-159).
The sensor has two multicolored LEDs controlled by the panel to indicate
sensor status. Flashing green indicates normal operation and steady red
indicates alarm, pre-alarm, or trouble.
An output is provided for connection to an optional remote LED alarm
annunciator (Model RA400Z).
Mirror Detail
(See detail at right.)
Test LED
Direction Baffles
Sensing Chamber
Laser Beam
Light Trap
Photo Receiver
Laser Diode and
Intergral Lens
Figure 1: Inside the 7351J