U.motion Client Touch 7
Technical Manual
This manual will neither describe the contents of the server or its navigation, nor will it enter in detail on the
server features themselves. All information can be found in the user and installation manuals of the
corresponding U.motion device.
The following pages will exclusively handle the configuration of the web app itself. A click on the „Settings“
button opens the configuration page of the app. If the settings page is protected by password, also here – as
already described for the U.motion Access – the correct password must be inserted. The following
screenshots show as well the password dialog as also the settings page:
The following list explains the single parameters that can be configured:
IP Address
In this field the IP address of the targeted U.motion device must be entered.
A click on this entry will start a scanning process, which will show a list of the
U.motion devices found in the current network. Afterwards you can select the
desired IP address simply by choosing it from the list. Naturally it is still possible
to input the IP address manually.
SSL Protection
This checkbox enables / disables the SSL protection of the server connection.
Generally in local networks there is no need for SSL protection. Therefore this
option is disabled per default.