90-830234R3 DECEMBER 1997
Remote Control Installation
Refer to “Quicksilver Accessories Guide” to deter-
mine correct length of remote control cables.
IMPORTANT: Remote control cables must be cor-
rect length. Sharp bends on too-short cables re-
sult in “kinks;” too-long cables require unneces-
sary bends and/or loops. Both conditions place
extra stress on the cables.
IMPORTANT: Install control cables to remote
control and mount remote control BEFORE at-
taching control cables to engine. Refer to instal-
lation instructions included with remote control.
Required Side Mount
Remote Control or Ignition
Key Switch Assembly
Boats Equipped with Side Mount
Remote Control
A Quicksilver Commander 2000 series Side Mount
Remote Control equipped with a warning horn must
be used with this outboard. This warning horn is nec-
essary for the engine warning system.
a -Warning Horn
Boats Equipped with Panel Or
Console Mount Remote Control
A Quicksilver Ignition Key/Choke Assembly
equipped with a warning horn must be used with this
engine. This warning horn is necessary for the en-
gine warning system.
a - Warning Horn
Shift and Throttle Cable
Installation To The Outboard
Install the shift cable and throttle cable into the re-
mote control and mount the remote control following
instructions which are provided the remote control.
NOTE: Install the shift cable before the throttle cable.
The shift cable is the first cable to move when the re-
mote control handle is moved into gear.
Shift Cable Installation
1. Pull up the cowl seal and remove the port side
rubber grommet (a).
2. Position the remote control and outboard into
3. Slide shift actuator (b) toward the rear of engine
(reverse gear) until resistance is felt. Measure
distance (c) between mounting stud and barrel
4. Push the cable end (d) in (towards cable barrel)
until resistance is felt. Adjust the cable barrel (e)
to attain distance (c).