90-852396 MAY 1996
IMPORTANT: Check that all connections are tight
prior to starting tests. Ensure that the battery
posts and terminals are clean and making good
contact. Verify with test equipment that wiring
harnesses are not at fault.
1. Connect outboard battery leads to battery(s) that
are known to be in good condition and are fully
2. Check voltage at battery(s) with an analog volt
meter. Digital voltmeters are not recommended
as they may be inaccurate due to interference
from ignition system.
3. Start engine and run at 1000 RPM. Voltage at bat-
tery should rise to and stabilize at approximately
14.5 volts if system is operating properly. If volt-
age does not increase from previously checked
battery voltage values, refer to “NO OUTPUT,”
following, for troubleshooting procedures. If volt-
age exceeds 16 volts and DOES NOT return
down to and stabilize at 14.5 volts, refer to “CON-
STANT HIGH OUTPUT,” following for trouble-
shooting procedures.
1. Remove flywheel and visually inspect stator. Dis-
coloration of one or more poles, or burned wind-
ings will require replacement of stator.
2. If no visual defects of stator are found, reinstall
flywheel. Temporarily install ammeter (of suffi-
cient size to carry 50 amperes) in series with the
RED output lead (MALE bullet lead) of the regula-
tor and the starter solenoid.
3. Remove 1 YELLOW stator lead from bullet con-
nector. Run engine at 1000-2000 RPM. Any out-
put current indicates stator is shorted to ground.
Replace stator.
4. If there is no output with YELLOW lead discon-
nected, the regulator is defective.
IMPORTANT: Regulator MUST have a good
ground. Verify a clean contact surface exists be-
tween regulator case, powerhead and attaching
1. Check voltage on either RED wire to regulator
(bullet connectors). These leads must indicate
battery voltage when the key is in the RUN posi-
tion. If battery voltage is NOT present, the key
switch or wiring between the key switch and the
test point is defective. Refer to Wiring Diagram,
Section 2A.
2. Connect an AC voltmeter to YELLOW lead bullet
connector on the regulator. If the AC voltage at
idle or above is greater than 16 VAC, the regula-
tor is defective.
NOTE: The tachometer signal is provided by the reg-
ulator. It is possible to still have an accurate tachome-
ter signal with a defective regulator.
NOTE: Battery must be fully charged before testing
regulation voltage. A low battery will not allow an ac-
curate reading of regulation voltage.
1. Turn on all electrical accessories and crank en-
gine for 20 seconds with the ignition lanyard
switch turned off. This will discharge battery
2. Start engine and observe battery voltage. Volt-
age should slowly rise to approximately 14 to 15
volts. If voltage does not rise, repeat previous
tests for stator and regulator.
NOTE: If a digital voltmeter is used for this reading,
measure voltage at the battery and keep meter as far
away from engine as possible. This will reduce the
possibility of erroneous readings from ignition noise.