90-816462 2-695
Fuel, Oil, Fluid, and Coolant
Use of improper gasoline can damage the engine
seriously. Engine damage that results from use of
improper gasoline is considered misuse of the
engine and is not covered under MerCruiser War-
USA and Canada
Fuel having a posted pump Octane Rating of 87(R +
M)/2 minimum. Premium gasoline [92 (R + M)/2] is
also acceptable. DO NOT use leaded gasoline.
Outside USA and Canada
Fuel having a posted pump Octane Rating of 90 RON
minimum. Premium gasoline (98 RON) is also accep-
tance. If unleaded is not available, use a major brand
of leaded gasoline.
Using Reformulated (Oxygenated)
Gasolines (USA Only)
This type of gasoline is required in certain areas of the
USA. The two types of ”oxygenates” used in these
fuels is Alcohol (Ethanol) or Ether (MTBE or ETBE). If
Ethanol is the ”oxygenate” that is used in the gasoline
in your area, refer to ”Gasoline Containing Alcohol”
These ”Reformulated Gasolines” are acceptable for
use in your MerCruiser engine.
Gasolines Containing Alcohol
The fuel system components on your MerCruiser en-
gine will withstand up to 10% content in the gasoline.
We do not know what percentage your boat manufac-
turer for specific recommendations on the boats fuel
system components (fuel tanks, fuel lines, and fit-
Gasolines containing alcohol, either methyl alcohol
(methanol) or ethyl alcohol (ethanol) may cause in-
Corrosion of metal parts.
Deterioration of elastomer and plastic parts.
Fuel permeation through flexible fuel lines.
Wear and damage of internal engine parts.
Starting and operating difficulties.
Some of these adverse effects are due to the tenden-
cy of gasolines containing alcohol to absorb moisture
from the air, resulting in a phase of water and alcohol
separating from the gasoline in the fuel tank.
The adverse effects of alcohol are more severe with
methyl alcohol (methanol) and are worse with in-
creasing alcohol content.
Fire and Explosion Hazard: Fuel leakage from any
part of the fuel system can be a fire and explosion
hazard which can cause serious bodily injury or
death. Careful periodic inspection of the entire
fuel system is mandatory, particularly after stor-
age. All fuel system components including fuel
tanks (whether plastic, metal or fiberglass), fuel
lines, primer bulbs, fittings, fuel filters and carbu-
retors should be inspected for leakage, soften-
ing, hardening, swelling or corrosion. Any sign of
leakage or deterioration requires replacement
before further engine operation.
Because of possible adverse effects of alcohol in
gasoline, it is recommended that only alco-
hol-free gasoline be used where possible. If only
fuel containing alcohol is available, or if the pres-
ence of alcohol is unknown, increased inspection
frequency for leaks and abnormalities is re-
Avoid gasoline fire or explosion. Improper instal-
lation of brass fittings or plugs into fuel pump or
fuel filter base can crack casting and/or cause a
fuel leak.