Ensure that you read through the detailed smart operating instructions to ensure that you enjoy your smart to the fullest and that you avoid any dangers to yourself and others. - 5
Driving in the rain
The crossblade is not designed to be
driven in the rain for extended
periods of time.
If you happen to be driving when it is
raining, protect the driver-side
airbag in the steering wheel and the
controls in the centre console by
fitting both covers. Also do this when
parking in the rain.
> You will find both covers in the
drawer in the centre console.
After driving in the rain
- Park the crossblade in a dry and well-
ventilated garage.
- Also be sure to dry off the covers and
the tarpaulin; see page 9.
>Notes on child restraint systems!
- The child restraint systems are only
intended to be used when it is not
- When using the child restraint system,
pay attention to the airbag indicator
Danger of injury!
Always protect the driver-side
airbag with the provided cover when
the vehicle is exposed to the rain. This will
ensure that the airbag retains its
Danger of injury!
For your own safety, wear a
suitable pair of protective glasses or a
helmet with a visor when driving.
Dust, rocks and other airborne objects
could be thrown into your face,
distracting and injuring you. This could
ultimately lead to a car accident.