C hecking Fuels
Lubricants etc.
Fluid Level —
A u to m a tic Transm ission
A t regular intervals, check the
flu id level o f the autom atic trans
mission together w ith the engine
oil level prior to every long trip, at
the latest, however, after every
3,000 miles (5,000 km).
Check transm ission flu id level w ith
the engine idling, parking brake en
gaged and selector lever in posi
tion "P ". The vehicle m ust be
parked on level ground. Prior to
the check, allow engine to idle fo r
approx. 1 to 2 minutes.
Exercise u tm ost cleanliness!
To w ipe the dipstick, use a clean
and lintless cloth (preferably
leather). To fill the transm ission
w ith fluid, only pour it through a
fine-mesh filte r into the dipstick
opening. Even the slightest im
purity may cause operational
The oil level in the transm ission is
dependent upon the oil tem pera
ture. The m axim um and m inim um
oil level marks on the dipstick are
applicable references only if the
transm ission flu id has reached its
normal operating tem perature of
176° F (80° C).
If, however, the transmission fluid
cools dow n to 68 — 86° F (20 —
30° C), w hich is the normal shop
tem perature range, then the m axi
mum oil level w ill be approxim ately
1.2 in. (30 mm) below the m ini
m um mark on the dipstick.
W e stress this point because an
oil change is norm ally perform ed
when the transm ission oil has
cooled dow n to shop temperature.
The flu id level m ust not exceed the
dipstick maxim um mark w ith the
fluid at operating tem perature.
Drain or siphon o ff excess fluid,
if required.
Summary of Contents for 240 D 1979
Page 1: ......
Page 2: ......
Page 3: ......
Page 7: ......
Page 8: ...Vehicle Operation ...
Page 10: ...Instrum ents and Controls 9 ...
Page 12: ...11 ...
Page 38: ...Driving 37 ...
Page 51: ......
Page 52: ...Vehicle Care 51 ...
Page 58: ...Practical Hints 57 ...
Page 75: ......
Page 76: ...Technical Data Fuels Coolants Lubricants etc 75 ...
Page 91: ......