The following are a few important facts, tips and techniques to achieve great smoking results. There
are probably as many theories on the best smoking method as there are chefs using them. With that
in mind, consider the following factors when deciding which method best fits your needs.
The Memphis Grill’s smoking mode range is 180° to 295°F.
If you wish to smoke at lower temperatures all Memphis models are calibrated to allow you to go as
low as 180° F.
When smoking at the lower temperatures it’s critical that you use a premium food
grade pellet such as “Memphis” branded BBQ Pellets.
Memphis premium pellets are specially
formulated to allow for more even feeding and temperatures. For best results, always use Memphis
premium pellets.
It is strongly recommended that the burn pot be cleaned before and after smoking for a significant
period. Unchecked ash build-up could eventually prohibit the grill from maintaining smoking
We don’t recommend that you use the lower temperatures when smoking in cool and or
windy conditions.
At temperatures less than 225° the possibility of creosote* developing from smoke
condensation arises.
As always use your best judgment, clean your grill often, and proceed on the
side of safety and caution.
The best way to determine where you get the best results is to experiment. We all have different
tastes and the best way to determine what’s right for you is to try different flavors and techniques.
We encourage you to share your cooking experiences with other Memphis owners by going to our
web site http://www.memphisgrills.com/recipes, our blog site, or on our Facebook page.
*Creosote is a gummy, foul smelling corrosive and flammable substance that , if no precautions are
taken, will coat the insides of everything it passes through. It is formed when gases given off in the
burning process combine and condense. Typically the gases leave the burn chamber with the
smoke. However, if restricted too much or If the smoke is cooled below 225°, the gases can liquefy,
forming creosote.
Smoking Suggestions