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Location: Tap to view and set various
Location options.
Security: Tap to set Security options as
Screen Lock: Tap to set the method
used for unlocking the screen. Please
note that Face Unlock is less secure
than the other methods.
Enable Widgets: Tap to turn this option
On or Off. Turning this option On will
enable Widgets.
Owner Info: Tap to set a welcome message on the Lock screen. Do this
by making sure Show Owner Info On Lock Screen is checked. Then tap
the text field and enter the desired Lock Screen text.
Encrypt Tablet: Tap to encrypt your accounts, downloaded Apps, data,
media and most files. Once you encrypt your Tablet, you need to type a
numeric PIN or password to decrypt it each time you turn it on. Make sure
to read the Encrypt Tablet page for details.
Make Passwords Visible: Tap to turn this option On or Off. Turning this
option On will allow the passwords you type to be visible to you.
Tablet Administrators: Tap and the make sure the item is checked to
allow the Android Tablet manager to lock and erase a lost Tablet.
Unknown Sources: Tap to turn this option On or Off. Turning this option
On to allow unknown sources to install Apps. Note that this will make your
Tablet and personal data vulnerable to attack.
Verify Apps: Tap to turn this option On or Off. Turning this option On to
disallow or warn before installing Apps that may cause harm.
Storage Type: Not used.
Trusted Credentials: Tap to view the Trusted Credentials for the system
and the user.
Install from SD Card: Tap to install a certificate from an inserted SD Card.
Clear Credentials: Tap to clear installed credentials.