How to Delete Files on a PC:
Connect the device to the PC
When connected the PC will recognize the device as a removable disk.
Open the VOICE folder
Double click the file you wish to play.
To DELETE a file simply right-click and select DELETE from the popup menu.
In order to playback the files on these devices you might need to download a media
player that can play .MP3 format. We recommend VLC media player.
How to Set the TIME and DATE on a MAC:
Note: The following steps must be completed in order to properly set the date and time
● Connect the device to the USB port of the computer
● When connected the Mac will recognize the device as a removable disk
● Open
● Create a NEW
Plain Text
NOTE: Plain text and Rich text are different formats, you can change the text type by
selecting Format and then choosing “Make Plain text ” also ensure
Wrap to Page
● Input the date in Year Month Day Hour Minute Second format and the time in 24 Hour
format, as well as the extra E22 and 12 0s
: 2024 06 15 13 30 11E22000000000000
● This would be 06/15/2024 at 1:30:11pm
● Save the file as
● After saving the file will default be named date_time.cfg.txt, in order to create a .cfg file,
the file must be edited.
● Locate the date_time.cfg on your Mac but do not open it
● Hold
on your keyboard and click on the file
● A popup menu will display and in the popup menu click on
get info
● Here we can edit the name of the extension and
remove the .txt
from the
date_time.cfg.txt file
● Another popup will occur and choose
Use .cfg
● There is one last step to perform before we have created the file and that is to
the box labeled
Hide Extension
and close the get info popup
Note: at this point the date_time.cfg files time information can not be edited
● Now move the time file into the folder directly next to the
Time Setup
● The folder should now have the following
○ Version Folder