Melive Technology Co., Ltd
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Turn the camera on
Connect Mini HDMI end to the port on camera and HDMI end to HDMI
port on the TV
Select the right source on the TV
Turn the camera on
WiFi Setup
The T86+ allows full camera control, live previewing and playback of
photos/videos on most Smart-phones and Tablets.
1. Download the App “iSmart DV” from “Google Play” or from the Apple
“App Store”.
iSmart DV
2. Activate WiFi on your T86+ by pressing WiFi button.
3. Go to the WiFi settings on your Phone, you will see WiFi _CAM_000 in
the list of available Wireless networks.
Note: You can change the WiFi name in the menu setting.
4. Connect your Phone to the “iSmart DV” via WiFi .