Instructions Manual
1. POWER LED does not
・Connection of power supply. ・Wiring error with power
come on.
・Value of power voltage.
・Power voltage failure.
・Driver failure.
2. The motor is not excited. ・Connection of the motor to
・Wiring error with the motor
(It can be easily
the driver.
and the driver.
rotated by hand.)
・ON/OFF status of the M.F
・The M.F signal is input.
・Driver failure.
3. The motor does not rotate. ・The same check items as
The motor behaves
those under item 2 above.
・Setting of the PULSE INPUT ・Wrong setting for the pulse
The motor steps out.
input type.
・Connection of the pulse
・Wiring error with the pulse
signal line.
・Voltage and wave form of the ・Pulse signal of wrong
pulse signal.
・Setting of the DRIVE CURRENT ・DRIVE CURRENT is too low.
SELECT switch.
・Setting of the STEP ANGLE
・Wrong setting for the step
SELECT switch.
・Driver failure.
・Motor failure.
4. The motor steps out
・Starting pulse speed.
・Starting pulse signal speed
during acceleration.
is too high.
・Acceleration time.
・Acceleration time is too
5. The motor generates
・Setting of the DRIVE CURRENT ・DRIVE CURRENT is higher than
excessive heat.
SELECT switch.
the setting for the
applicable motor.
・Value of the HOLD CURRENT
・The setting for HOLD CURRENT
SELECT switch.
is too high.
(1) Short-circuiting of the motor output connector may cause the driver to fail.
●The motor output connector and the power line.
●The motor output connector and the motor output connector.
(2) Disconnection of the motor output line may cause the driver to fail.
●Disconnection of the motor output line cable.
●Loose connection of connector.
(3) When a large inertial load (motor rotor inertia x 5 or more)is operated at
high speed(rotational speed 20s
or more),regenerative energy will
generate and increase the power supply voltage,which can damage the driver.
Review the operating condition and make sure regenerative voltage will not
When the failure phenomenon cannot be remedied, contact our office.
Check Item
Assumed Cause