a. Holiday,
this feature allows the current temperature setting been kept for 1 to 199 days
of holiday period. Turn the setting dial to increase or decrease the days for setting.
Press OK button to save quit this setting.
REMARK, During the Holiday setting days, this unit will work on the FIXED setting
temperature when at Holiday set. The program setting only operates when the holiday
setting running to 0 or to be set to 0
b. Heat/Cool Control,
this feature set the system is under Heating or Cooling control and
also set the system starting delay enable or disable. Use SELECT button to select Heating
or Cooling control: “Ht” for Heating and “CL” for Cooling and as figure shown below.
Heating Control
Cooling Control
Press SET button to confirm and enter the system starting delay enable or disable setting.
Use SELECT button to select the system starting delay “d:oN”-enable or “d:oF”-disable
and as figure shown below.
Press OK button to save quit this setting.