1) Time
2) Week day
3) 24 hours daily program
4) Setting Temperature
5) Anti-Frozen symbol
6) TIME setting symbol
7) PROGram setting symbol
8) Feature SETting symbol
9) Heating Control symbol
10) Cooling Control symbol
11) HOLIDAY symbol
12) Temporary HOLD symbol
13) Manual Override symbol
14) Program AUTO Contrl symbol
15) Battery Low symbol
16) Comfort Setting symbol
17) Semi-Comfort Setting symbol
18) Economic Setting symbol
19) TEMPerature Setting symbol
20) COPY feature symbol
21) ROOM Temperature symbol
22) OFF symbol
Clock and Feature setting
Press and hold the SET button for 3 seconds, to enter the Clock and Feature settings.
Press SELECT button to select: “tI” for Clock, “St” for feature setting and as figure shown
below. Press SET to enter the selected setting.
Feature Setting
Clock setting
First is the Year setting. Turn the setting dial at right side of the display to set.
Press SELECT button to the next step, Month setting. Use the setting dial to set.