6 Installation of the DCF77 Antenna
Mount the antenna directly onto a wall in a loca-
tion in accordance with the aforementioned criteria,
using the installation kit included in the delivery.
Then connect the antenna cable to the Type-N fe-
male connector of the antenna.
Type-N (Female)
Type-N (Male)
DCF77 Transmission Tower
AW02 Antenna Installation
Length of Antenna Facing
the transmission tower
Determining Reception Quality:
The DCF600USB reception quality is indicated visu-
ally by the modulation LED ("Mod."). The modulation
indicator is also displayed in the management utility
MbgMon (under "Mod."), which also allows a sound
signal to be activated so that the signal rhythm is au-
Procedure for Antenna Alignment - DCF77 Antenna (AW02)
Meinberg Funkuhren recommends that the alignment and signal reception testing be done with the assis-
tance of a second person. An effective method for aligning and testing a long-wave antenna is to have person
1 (who is aligning the antenna) actively communicate with person 2 (who monitors the receiver).
Step 1
Person 1 rotates the antenna until person 2 sees the "Mod" LED flash on the receiver unit (even if it is not yet
flashing rhythmically every second). This determines the approximate direction.
Step 2
Person 1 rotates the antenna slowly in an anticlockwise direction until person 2 sees that signal strength is at
maximum (in MbgMon) or the "Mod" LED flashes rhymthically once a second without erratic flickering.
If no such signal can be found, the antenna should be turned slowly in a clockwise direction from the ap-
proximate direction until person 2 sees that signal strength is at maximum (in MbgMon) or the "Mod" LED
flashes rhymthically once a second without erratic flickering.
Please note that a high signal level alone is no guarantee of good reception, as it can also be caused by
electrical noise in the associated frequency range.
Date: November 29, 2021