Pulse Width Modulation
With the wiring shown in picture 14 on page 24 you can simplify
programming considerably using the functions
for this operation mode (see also ME-iDS manual
and ME-iDS help file).
4.2 Streaming Operation Mode
4.2.1 Digital Input/Output
The programming of the timer controlled input/output via FIFO is
carried out in the streaming operating modes. Port A is defined as
16-bit input port (subdevice 0 of type ME_TYPE_DI) and port B as
16-bit output port (subdevice 1 of type ME_TYPE_DO), each of sub-
type ME_SUBTYPE_STREAMING (only for versions “S”).
Please observe the ME-iDS manual and the ME-iDS help file (*.chm)
for the procedure. You can open both of these documents through
the "ME-iDS Control Center" or through the Windows Start menu. Stream Timer
In this operating mode the values are acquired or output under the
control of a timer. A continuous transfer bandwidth between the
PC and the ME-5810 of up to 30 MHz is available, shared among
port A and B. You can sample a rectangular signal up to 300 kHz
with up to 100 times oversampling. An output rate of up to 3 kHz
is possible. Stream Trigger Sample
In this operating mode individual values can be acquired or output
under the control of one or more external trigger signals. A contin-
uous transfer bandwidth between the PC and the ME-5810 of up
to 30 MHz is available, shared among port A and B. You can sam-
ple a rectangular signal up to 300 kHz with up to 100 times over-
sampling. An output rate of up to 3 kHz is possible. Wraparound Mode