Auto Filling:
The Auto Filling screen is shown above and consists of three slide bars, two pressure meters,
manifold temperature display and Auto Off/On, Rest, Pulse, 2
Evac, Liquid psi Control
buttons and Liquid psi arrow key adjustment with pressure display. The first time the
machine is turned on, the Fill Sensor will be in the Auto mode and the slide for the Manual
mode will always default to “10”. This is quite sensitive for fill detection at low filling
speeds. When the Fill Sensor is in the Auto mode, it will automatically adjust to changing
pouring conditions and is not adjustable by the operator. Should the Auto Fill Detection fail
to work properly, it may be changed to Manual adjustment by pressing the selector button at
the top of the Fill Sensor. The color of the button will change from green to blue and the
text will change to Manual indicating the mode change for Fill Detection. As filling speeds
are increased in the Manual mode, the Fill Sensor will need to be raised to a higher number
to ensure the bottles are completely filled. The “Low Pressure” slide is used to adjust how
much pressure is in the bottles when the filling heads are raised, or the pressure at which the
Pulse will occur. It is generally recommended to operate the Low Pressure as low as
possible and still maintain a 1 second or less time from when the filling valve closes until
the filling heads are raised from the bottles. If the filling heads remain in the bottle more
than 1 second after the filling valve has closed, you need to raise the Low Pressure until the
1 second has been met. The two pressure bars simply display incoming product pressure to
the machine and the pressure in the bottle. It can be used for adjustments to the machine or
trouble shooting any problems such as “counter pressure fail” or fill detection issues.