Storing insulation test results:
Storing an insulation test result is exactly the same as a continuity test.
However the circuit type options change to L-E, L-L, L-N, N-E
Downloading results to a PC:
1. Connect the tester to the PC using the USB test lead.
2. Set the tester range knob to [Snd].
3. Run Megger Powersuite Professional or Megger Download Manager
the PC
4. Select the appropriate downloading instrument from the list
5. Select “download from tester”
6. The test data will automatically download its contents to the
A bar graph shows the status of the download.
Deleting test results
To delete the latest test result:
1. Set the range knob to [dEL]. The display will flash “dEL”
followed by the test number to be deleted.
2. Press the OK button. The last test result will be will be deleted.
This operation is not reversible.
To delete all test data:
1. Set the range knob to [dEL]. The display will flash “dEL”.
2. Press the NEXT or LAST key. The display will flash “ALL”.
3. Press the OK button. All the test results will be deleted.
A bar graph shows the progress of the deletion.
2. Select job reference number using
keys then press NEXT.
(Hold the key down to scroll quickly through the numbers)
3. Select distribution board number (b01,02 etc) using
then press NEXT
4. Select circuit number (c01,02 etc) using
keys then press NEXT
5. Select the circuit type, R12, RrN, Rr2, Rr1, R2 or R1 by pressing the
keys, then press NEXT.
6. Select the phase using
keys then press NEXT. The screen will
display a unique test number , which is attached to that particular test.
7. Press OK to save the result.
To store a subsequent result:
To save the next test under the same location job number, distribution
board, circuit reference etc:
1. Make another measurement as described earlier and press STORE.
2. The last Job number ** will be displayed. Press OK.
3. The unique test number will be displayed. Press OK and the result is
The job number, distribution board, circuit and test type can all be
changed before saving a result by selecting the function using the
To recall the last test result:
1. Set the range knob to RCL
2. The last unique test number is displayed
3. Press OK and the test result will be displayed.
Only the last test result can be recalled to the display.