4. Luffing rights rule
This rule applies when you are passing another boat at close
proximity. Figure F indicates the windward and leeward sides
of a boat. On the starboard tack the starboard side of the boat
is the windward side. on port tack, the port side of the boat is
the windward side.
Windward side
Leeward side
Figure F
Figure H
When two boats are sailing on the same tack
(starboard tack in these examples) at close proximity (figure
G), the leeward boat 1 has the right of way over the
windward boat 2. If you are a windward boat on the
offensive, you must pass with enough room to avoid the
leeward boat. If you cannot avoid the leeward boat, you
must steer away to avoid a collision.
Boat passing
Figure G
If the windward boat 2 tries to pass the leeward boat 1,
the leeward boat 1 can "luff up" the windward boat 2 by
steering into the wind, causing 2's sail to luff (figure H).
When a boat's sail luffs, it loses power and speed.
Luffing up is mostly used as a defensive maneuver.