4. System Settings
4. System Settings
GoTo X option is used to move the motor in specified position. To perform this action,
select Dish moving type as GoTo X and enter the Dish position by pressing numeric keys.
Then press OK key, now dish will be move to specified dish position.
The above picture which shows the Advanced setup, through this setup user can per-
form the below listed Motor related settings,
• Enable / Disable limit - Enable or Disable the motor rotation to the restricted direc-
tion angle.
• Drive East / West - User can rotate the dish either East/West direction by pressing
• Set EAST / WEST limit - This option is only enable, when we set the „Enable limits“.
Using this option, user can set the desired east / west angle. Afterward, they can‘t
able to move the dish after that angle. If user want to move the dish after that angle,
then they need to set the limit option as „Disable limits“. Recalculate Position - By
pressing the RED key, user can achieve the „RECALCULATE“ function.
• This Recalculate position option will replace the logical positions set by the user. If
user does this operation, confirmation will be displayed. If user selects YES option,
„Dish Moving“ message will be displayed.
• Reset Position - The motor position can be reset to its reference position [0 degree]
by using the Reset Position option. Confirmation message will be displayed after
pressing GREEN color key. If user select YES option, „Dish is Moving“ message will be