MegaPoints Controllers AutoSignal User Guide
Revision 10
Page 5
The timer is adjustable as follows:
Move the aspect jumper to “4 FUNC”
Apply power (state LED is now on, not flashing)
Press and hold the “TEST” button until the required number of LEDs are lit (approx. one
second per additional LED).
Move aspect select jumper back to desired position.
The length of the timer will be indicated by the on board five signal LEDs and is equivalent to
approximately 5 seconds per LED based on 4 aspects. There will be differences between the timings
and number of aspects configured. Some experimentation may be required.
To clear timer mode repeat the above procedure. Instead of holding down the test button, press it
momentarily ensuring none of the LEDs light. When removing the jumper from “4 FUNC” the LED
near the aspect selection jumpers will return to flashing.