generator, i.e. internal generator frequency sets the upper limit for external
triggering pulses frequency.
Please rotate FREQUENCY regulation knob to the most clockwise position to
allow the maximum external triggering pulses frequency.
The minimum repetition rate is 50 Hz. The lower frequency results in decreasing
of output pulses amplitude.
Burst mode
Burst operation mode can be simply organized by using external pulse generator.
Set EXT/INT toggle switch in EXT position and apply external ENABLE pulse to
optical SYNC IN connector. Output pulse repetition rate is set by FREQUENCY
regulation knob at the front panel of the generator and burst length is determined
by duration of ENABLE pulse.
NPG-15/2000(N) is equipped by optical connector for external triggering and
output pulse monitoring. AVAGO HFBR-1522Z and HFBR-2522Z transmitters as
well as AVAGO HFBR-4501, HFBR-4511 connectors and HFBR-RUS optical
cable are used for optical signals transmitting.
The recommended external triggering pulse width is 1µs. Maximum frequency is
3.2 kHz and may be limited additionally by FREQUENCY regulation knob. The
optical triggering pulse should be applied to SINC IN connector.
SYNC OUT signal may be used for synchronization and pulse monitoring. This
signal precedes the output high voltage pulse for about 0.5 µs and has 2 µs width.
To use the optical connectors please remove the rubber protective caps by thin
tweezers or other suitable tool, stick gently optical cable with HFBR-4501/HFBR-
4511 connector into the hole up to click.
Replace the rubber caps back to the holes while you are not using optics to prevent
transmitter lens from the dust.