After the R-block is connected to the ETH-modem and the entrance width (distance
between blocks) is set on the T-block, the counters can be mounted at the entrance
with brackets or adhesive pads. Check detection after mounting
Installation height
Optimum installation height is so that the counters are on shoulder level of a
person with the height that is slightly lower than average. It should be as displayed
on the picture below:
Main recommendation when mounting counters (blocks)
– fix the counters so that the R-block is
facing the ETH-modem
When mounting the counters, mind the door handles: they should not be in the
counters’ operating field
When mounting the counters, mind the daylight: it is not recommended to install
counters under direct sunlight at any time of the day. It is recommended to install the
counters further inside if possible
After the counters are fixed, be sure to walk by them a few times to check detection:
when someone enters, the R-block will be blinking with blue or red. Walk 20-30 times
observing the indicators and making sure the counters work properly