Clean Pin Alert LED and Fault Output
Red flashing LED shows that bar is dirty and needs cleaning. Solid red illumination
indicates a fault with the high voltage output.
No light - OK
Red flashing - Cleaning required
Red constant - Fault
The signal is 0V/24V output on pin 2. By default: Bar OK = 24V, Bar needs cleaning
(or fault detected) = 0V. If required the signal can be inverted to give OK = 0V,
Cleaning Required = 24V using a Barmaster Remote Programmer
Frequency Indicator
A red/green LED flashes in time with the HT outputs, giving a visual indication of the
bar’s setup
Remote Signal
In the case of the Cleaning Alert LED activating, the Clean Pin Alert signal will activate.
This can be monitored remotely to alert the operator to attend to the bar.