MedRx AVANT REM (Real Ear Measurement) Training Manual
Effective Date: 05-25-2017
Running Speech Mapping “On-Top” within NOAH
It is well established that verifying the output of hearing instruments in the patient’s ear will
improve the accuracy of the fitting. In the past, it has been difficult to verify these fittings
since many real ear systems have been disconnected from the fitting system. The AVANT
REM+ system is tightly integrated with NOAH, the industry standard for audiometric and
fitting data storage and retrieval. The “on-top” mode of the REM software allows you to
effortlessly alternate between measurement and fitting adjustments.
From the Avant REM main screen, Click the NOAH LSM button.
The REM window will reduce in size and “float” on top of the
NOAH screen.
Open the fitting module from the NOAH Module Selection
Use the text menus and green (start) and red (stop) buttons in
the floating LSM window to make Speech Mapping
Make necessary changes to the instrument based on these
To make adjustments to the hearing instrument, Click on the
fitting module window and modify the settings according to the
manufacturer’s instructions, being sure to activate, apply or save
the settings to the instrument.
Repeat this measure/adjust/measure cycle until the fitting is
Completing the On-Top Mode Process
Close the REM module by Clicking the X button or go up to the File menu and down to Exit.
Save the NOAH session when prompted.